2. ınternational cerrahpasa neuroscience days

- an ınterınstıtutıonal event-

As the Cerrahpasa Neuroscience Society, we are proud to announce our collaboration with the Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN) chapter of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Stay tuned for updates on the exciting online workshops prepared by the Johns Hopkins SIGN team, coming your way soon!

The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine SIGN chapter provides a community that explores neurology from multiple perspectives: creative, academic, community-centered, and social. By demystifying what it means to be a neurologist through panels, discussions, direct clinical learning and media explorations, we hope to encourage students who may be hesitant or may not have previously considered the field to think deeply about the brain, the mind, and how medicine brings people together. We are working to establish a model of humanism in neurology at Hopkins to provide creative outlets for students, residents and faculty, which will form new connections to better understand how neurologists help patients and communities. We are greatly appreciative of our new collaboration with Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine SIGN and are excited to bring our energy to this year’s International Cerrahpasa Neuroscience Days.